Going back to School

Well, starting Monday, October 30th, I will be a student again!! Woohoo! I am going to Grand Canyon University online to get my Bachelor's of Science in Elementary Education! I am so excited! Basically I will be doing one class every 7 weeks till I'm done which is projected to be December of 2020. That seems forever away, and weird to think my brother Cole will be a senior in High School by that year! What?! Where has the time gone?! Even though I am super pumped about school, I am defiantly going to need a ton of encouragement to keep going and finish. I just know my personality! I need to look at this like high school, meaning there is no option of quitting! I'm sure the time will just fly by, but in the moment it will feel like I have forever to go. I just need to look at it one day at a time, instead of "Man, I still have three years left! I'm never going to finish!" So that's a little life update from me! I am a student, mom and a wife!
And here is a picture of Beth-Renee just because! 


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